Stephan Hawking BLACK HOLE

Stephen Hawking BLACK HOLE

- So basically is a book or a thesis by BBC news, And also named as “Reith lectures by BBC news”. No doubt this is one of the best short book having so many facts and theories related to space embedded into it.

- This book has two components or Chapters named as:

  • Black holes are ain’t black as they painted.
  • Do black holes have hairs. - The first chapter explains some basic knowledge about black holes, So basically a black holes are heavenly mass bodies that occupies such gravity that even a light can not escape through it, and also a neutron star can only become a black hole. - A neutron star is the collapsed core of a massive supergiant star, which had a total mass of between 10 and 25 solar masses, possibly more if the star was especially metal-rich. Except for black holes, and some hypothetical objects, neutron stars are the smallest and densest currently known class of stellar objects. - The book suggests that how a neutron star turns into a black monster eating everything which is coming inside it’s event horizon. *- So basically a black hole forms when the intermolecular separation of a neutron star decreases and the atoms and molecules of it come closer, that ultimately reduces the size of the neutron star and also a continuous fusion takes place into it which simultaneously enhances it’s mass and as a result in enhanced gravity and farther gravitational field lines.


  • This ultimately tends to form an object in the space having a huge mass, smaller size and tremendous amount of gravity. This process continues itself and ultimately forms a massive mass which has a that much gravity that even the photons can’t escape through it, which means that it has that much gravity that even light can’t escape through it. Hence it appears as black just because no light is coming from it, and as a result they are called as black hole, but they are not black actually and from this discussion in the BBC reith’s lectures we get the answer of the question that do black holes are that black as they painted, and the answer is “NO”, the black holes are not black they just seems to be black because no light is coming through them.*
  • The second chapter explains the black holes further and tell so many stuffs about it.
  • This chapter contains a bit more about the black holes like their structures and their periphery and other ranges of them.
  • The black holes have the following regions:

- So basically this book is great for those people who are having a bit knowledge about space and want to gather more about it. and in my perspective “BLACK HOLE” is itself a huge subject and still not explained completely and the scientist are doing research and making this subject more clear and understandable for other people.

- And at last but not the least I want to say that we are truly privileged to have such scientists which are doing so much to deliver best to the world and upcoming generation and also the scientist “STEPHEN HAWKING” has done a lot and his contribution to the world is truly inspirational and wealthy for us.